How to Make a Flower Hexie

<< Overview       << previous: Day 8

Day 9

The Flower Hexie is the third Double-faced Hexie of this series. It’s great as a stand-alone ornament for instance for attaching to bags, place mats, cushions, accessories, but also pops up from any flat surface.

plain flower hexie

Depending on fabric, embroidery and embellishments, it can look like a straightforward geometric shape, a flower, a star, or a crystal.

On this page:
Materials and tools today
Marking the Flower Hexie
Folding and stitching the Flower Hexie
For you to do
Next time

Materials and tools today

  • a cut hexie (Tip: start with a large Flower Hexie; until you know what to do, they’re are a bit easier to fold). If you want it to match the Trefoil and Pinwheel Hexies in finished size, use the Flower Hexie Template from page 2 of the template set.
  • the Flower Template and the Star Template (from page 3 of the template set)
  • sewing needle and thread
  • scissors

Click on images for larger view

Marking the Flower Hexie

Folding and stitching the Flower Hexie

The first round: Gathering the petals

The second round: Folding and stitching the petals

For you to do

Make at least one large Flower Hexie. When you feel comfortable with that, make a small one as well. You can also embroider them as you like 🙂 – have fun!

Next time

On Wednesday = Day 10 I’ll show you some variations on how to sew the fabric-covered buttons in the centers of the hexies.

Apart from the buttons you made and some hexies, you’ll need sewing/ embroidery material and tools and perhaps small buttons or beads for extra decoration.

If you have any questions, please post them in the comments 🙂


What kind of projects can you make with Double-Faced Hexies?

hand with hexie mirror

<< Overview     << previous: Day 1, Part 2

The first three hexies – just as they’re finished. How could you decorate and embellish them? Which projects could you use them for, as stand-alones or in combination with “normal hexies?

Today a friend asked me what kind of projects she could make with these Double-faced Hexies.

Well, most of what you can make with normal hexies, be they sewn by machine or by hand, for instance EPP = English Paper Piecing.

The Double-faced Hexies can be made in any size you like – although personally I wouldn’t fancy folding hexies smaller than our small template, which results in a hexie with a side length of roughly 2.5 cm – 1 inch. If you’re into tiny mini hexies, you’ll get faster results the traditional way (see below).

The project size ranges from single hexies (examples: attached to napkin rings, hair pins, embellishments sewn on to pillows, blouses, napkins,…) over small groups of hexies (examples: pincushions, cases for glasses, purses, photo frames, journal covers,… or larger groups (examples: pillowcases, cushions, tote bags, place mats, table runners, fronts for waistcoats,…) to really big projects like double-faced tablecloths, king-sized bedspreads and beyond.

The biggest difference between the Double-faced Hexies and the “normal” way of doing a quilt is the process:

Traditionally, in quilting you have 3 layers – top layer, batting, and backing – which are joined and quilted together into one big sandwich.

The top layer is often made as patchwork, for instance with hexagons sewn together. Not considering the seams, this is a single layer of fabric.

Once this layer is finished – for instance the size of a bedspread –  it is combined with batting and backing the size of the top and then quilted. A big (and often heavy) project!

With Double-faced Hexies, you finish one hexie = one mini sandwich at a time. Batting is often not necessary as the hexies have at least 2 layers of fabric already – but you can easily add to each hexagon a bit of batting for extra padding. I’ll show you in a later post how to do that.

That means that you can for instance make a king-size bedspread by joining single hexies into groups or strips, then into larger groups or wider strips and so on, but until the very end you don’t have the whole bulk. You keep your project manageable = transportable, quilting on the go and as you go.

And once you’ve sewn the hexies together, your project is finished!

Another significant difference is the added dimension.

Because traditional hexies consist of just one layer of fabric, they are flat.

The Double-faced Hexies however are folded (plus one variety which is plain), which adds a lot of three-dimensional texture to the surface. Plus there are various quick ways of embellishing them for special effects.

The different types of Double-faced Hexies (plain or folded) can also be mixed and matched as the templates are coordinated in size.

[examples/images will follow here]

Last but not least: Multiple ways of joining the hexies

Because we are working with single pieces, we can join them in many different ways, including leaving space between the hexies for a lacy look, combining them with other techniques like crochet, or filling spaces with needle lace.

Which means that with these hexies you can do many things that you can’t do the traditional way.

Special designs for Double-faced Hexies

I’m very busy at the moment stitching projects (smaller ones which don’t involve more than a dozen or so hexies) which utilise all these special features. I’ll post them as I go, in stages.

Where to get more ideas

For hexie projects in general, enter for instance the following words or phrases into a search engine (like google, bing,…) and click images:

quilting hexagons

quilting hexies

quilting hexagons small projects

I hope this cleared a bit of confusion. If not, please ask questions in the comments section.

Tomorrow = Day 2 we’ll start with some simple embroidery. Apart from two Trefoil Hexies you’ll need embroidery thread, an embroidery needle with a sharp point and scissors.
